

Product name:Anthralin
CAS:     1143-38-0
Molecular Formula:     C14H10O3
Formula Weight:     226.23
 Anthralin (USAN and former BAN) is a Hydroxyanthrone, anthracene derivative, medicine applied to the skin of people with psoriasis. It is available as creams, ointment or pastes in 0.1 to 2% strengths (Drithocreme, Dithrocream, Zithranol-RR, Micanol, Psorlin, Dritho-Scalp, Anthraforte, Anthranol and Anthrascalp). The terms dithranol and anthralin are sometimes used synonymously.

Human Pulmonary Alveolar Epithelial Cells

Product name:HPAEpiC(Human Pulmonary Alveolar Epithelial Cells)
Specifications:1 x 106 cells, 1 ml

Type:Pulmonary Cell System

Product description:
HPAEpiC are isolated from human lung tissue. HPAEpiC are cryopreserved at primary culture and delivered frozen. HPAEpiC are characterized by immunofluorescent method with antibodies CK-18, -19, and vimentin. HPAEpiC are negative for HIV-1, HBV, HCV, mycoplasma, bacteria, yeast and fungi.

American Institutes of Health AIDS research funding to abandon the quota

Over the past 20 years, the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) has funded AIDS research were fixed in 10% of the overall budget. However, this year NIH funding will reduce this level. The latest fund funding success rates reflects a motivation to abandon the reserved quota: In many organizations, access to AIDS research funding than non-AIDS research funding much easier, and this shows that government officials are doing everything possible to find the money to spend Method.

In the early 1990s, when the AIDS epidemic is still in the stage of the outbreak, the US Congress and NIH agreed annually section NIH AIDS research budget devoted to stabilizing at about 10%. However, since then, racking their brains to find some agencies spend AIDS funding approaches, sometimes even extend the definition of AIDS research, or relax standards. Recently, some members of Congress questioned this: when AIDS deaths in the United States have begun to decline, to provide special treatment for this disease is still make sense?

Last year, NIH Dean Francis Collins announced that AIDS funding agency will focus more directly to steering vaccines and treatments. In December, after the consent of the consent of Congress, NIH formally renounced quota of 10% of the funding.

The results from the NIH's budget request for fiscal year 2017 can be seen. This year, the agency funded AIDS research with the amount of $ 3 billion in 2015 was flat, and is expected to remain at that level in 2017. Since last year's NIH budget grew by nearly 7%, and are demanding a further increase next year's budget, and therefore will be assigned to the portion of AIDS research in 2015 down to 10% this year, 9.3% next year it may be reduced to 9%.

What is Estrogen

Estrogen is used to treat hot flashes ( "hot flushes" sudden thrill of heat and sweating) in women suffering from menopause ( "change of life", the end of monthly menstrual). Some brands are also used estrogen, vaginal dryness, itching or burning, or for the prevention of osteoporosis (a disease in which bones become thin and weak and break easily) in women who know or have known to treat menopause. Who but a drug that women need to treat vaginal dryness or only to prevent osteoporosis, consider an alternative treatment considered. Some brands of estrogen are also symptoms of low estrogen in young women to relieve that do not produce enough estrogen naturally. Some brands of estrogen are also used to relieve the symptoms of certain types of breast cancer and prostate (a male reproductive gland) cancer. Estrogen is in a class of hormone drugs. It works by replacing estrogen normally produced by the body.


17-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-3 deficiency is a condition that affects male sexual development. People with this condition are genetically male with an X and a Y chromosome in each cell and they have male gonads (testes). Your body does not produce enough of the male sex hormone testosterone. Testosterone has a crucial role in male sexual development, and a lack of this hormone interferes with the formation of the external sex organs before birth. Most people with 17-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 3 deficiency are born with genitalia that appear woman. In some cases, the external genitalia not clearly look to clear male or female (sometimes called ambiguous genitalia). Yet other children affected have genitals that appear male-dominated, often with abnormally small penis (micropenis) or urethral opening on the underside of the penis (hypospadias). During puberty, men develop the disease of secondary sexual characteristics such as increased muscle mass, deepening of the voice, and the male body hair development. The penis and scrotum (the bag of skin that holds the testicles) grow up in this period. In addition to these changes typical of adolescent boys, some breast enlargement men affected (gynecomastia) can also occur. Men with this condition are generally not able to have children (infertile). Children who often grew up with 17-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 3 deficiency than girls. assume about half of them a male role in adolescence or adulthood


Microbial control group of us? Or do we control it?

After all, we can control our gut. A recently published paper describes the discovery of this attractive, it reveals that they can control the mouse intestinal microbial composition and behavior, and human beings have such potential. This finding subvert the mainstream concept. Mainstream idea that exist in our gut complex ecosystem in fact is our master, and we were just marionettes it, it changes our brain biochemical function even on the immune system also have an impact, let us fight infections and help us decompose excess burgers and fries.

Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston (Brigham and Women's Hospital) researchers found in a series of carefully designed experiments in mice feces from their gastrointestinal tract filled with small non-coding RNA, namely microRNAs. These biomolecules may shape and adjust the microorganisms in mice. Professor of genetic epidemiology at King's College, University of London Tim Spector is The Diet Myth: Why the Secret to Health and Weight Loss Is Already in Your Gut of the author, who was not involved in the study, which he said: "Over the years we have know that microbes can affect human health, and to some extent we have long suspected this is a two-way process, but the idea never really confirmed. the study good explanation of two-way between us and microbes interaction, it shows in this interactive relationship, how we affect the microorganisms, this fascinating. "

More importantly, the researchers found that mice with human feces stool has the same 17 kinds of microRNA, which may indicate human and mice have a similar mechanism. This may also open up new therapeutic approach comprising a transplant, including microRNA. The study, published in the journal Cell Host & Microbe, its first author, neuroscientist at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston Howard Weiner said: "Obviously, it raises an urgent question: 'microRNA It came from, why they are here? ' "

Howard Weiner and compared those specially bred, certain types of cells in the digestive tract of mice missing microRNA normal mice, to answer the question "microRNA come from," the. Cultivation of other special cell microRNA in mice did not change, but they still lack the feces of microRNAs, which indicates that the microRNA usually located between the intestinal fecal microRNA and there is a link. They concluded that these particular RNA from two gastrointestinal epithelial cells from the evidence.

The researchers also tried to check only 18-23 nucleotides tiny RNA is how it works to answer the "why" of this problem. Weiner and his colleagues found that the epithelial cells of the microRNA is not just a passerby. Surprisingly, their role seems to be very subtle, and can adjust the microorganism itself. The study found little mice in vivo intestinal microRNA more susceptible to colitis. But through the catheter to the intestinal disease, these mice transplanted microRNA from normal mice, these diseased mice began to produce more normal bowel substances. Spector was not involved in the study said that this series of experiments designed very "clever."

In determining these key findings, the researchers were also able to see different microRNA by a more natural way to change mice specific bacteria. The researchers added to the drinking water of mice that facilitates the growth of E. coli synthetic microRNA. After drinking this water for two days, the mice faeces of E. coli was increased by about two times, which can be confirmed by introducing a specific microRNA intestinal. Weiner said: "I think our study increases the likelihood of a particular microorganism to adjust, I think it opens up many possibilities."


Product name: Atenolol
CAS no.: 
Molecular Formula: C14H22N2O3
Molecular Weight:
Appearance: White powder
Product description: Used to treat high blood pressure, angina and arrhythmia, glaucoma intraocular pressure control and so on.