Product Name:
CAS: 364-98-7
Molecular formula: C8H7ClN2O2S
Molecular Weight: 230.67
Product Description: A drop in blood pressure medicine, have the basic structure of the thiazide diuretic, but a diuretic effect. direct expansion of small arteries, veins no apparent effect. Arterial by the activation of potassium channels sensitive to ATP in May hyperpolarization smooth muscle relaxation makes the action of smooth muscle, reduces peripheral vascular resistance, the drop in blood pressure. Step-down at the same time, heart rate, cardiac output is reduced. But low blood pressure, can the sexual antihypertensive drugs cause soil excited sympathetic tachycardia, myocardial contractile force gain, increased heart rate, partially offset reflex, and can increase cardiac stress, cause or worsening angina, also renin secretion to increase, secondary aldosterone secretion increases, leading to the retention of sodium water to make. The combined use of the b-receptor blocker and diuretic to correct them. Apply in hypertensive crisis first aid, used in liters of blood sugar, early childhood idiopathic hypoglycemia, severe hypoglycemia caused by a pancreatic tumor islet cells.