Leuprorelin (leuprolide acetate) is a gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) is used analogously to treat a wide range of sexual disorders associated with hormone, including advanced prostate cancer, endometriosis and precocious puberty. It is mainly in the anterior pituitary to induce transient increase in gonadotropin early release. With continued use causes desensitization leuprolide pituitary and / or regulation, which, to a suppression of circulating levels of gonadotropins and sex hormones Clinical studies in men with advanced prostate cancer as leuprolide (usually monthly for deposit injections of 3.75 or 7.5 mg) is less likely to cause serious cardiovascular side effects such as diethylstilbestrol, and has comparable efficacy to other bilateral orchiectomy or GnRH analogues. the choice between leuprolide and orchiectomy can be made based on the preference of the patient treatment, as well as particular characteristics of the patient, and consequently, affects the cost. monthly intramuscular or subcutaneous depot leuprolide 3.75 mg was superior to placebo and comparable to oral danazol 800 mg / day or intranasal buserelin 900 micrograms / day, in the realization of the objective and subjective responses in women with endometriosis. Leuprolide and is an effective alternative to other treatments for women with endometriosis, but the recommended duration of its use in this clinical setting is limited to 6 months because it decreases bone density. In children with central precocious puberty, leuprolide (usually intramuscular injections or monthly subcutaneous depot leuprolide 3.75 to 15mg), the growth rate decreased average and signs of sexual maturation and increased predicted adult height compared to reference measurements. Although the impact on final adult height of available data can be predicted and must be confirmed by long-term follow-up studies, the lack of alternatives to GnRH analogues leuprolide a first line therapy for children with this rare disease. In women with uterine leiomyomas monthly intramuscular depot leuprolide reduced by 3.75 mg for 6 months significantly uterine volume and fibroid symptoms, but, like other GnRH analogues, these effects dissipate after stopping the drug. As adjunctive therapy in women in preventing premature luteinizing vitro fertilization or gamete intra-fallopian transfer, leuprolide (usually 0.5 to 1 mg / day subcutaneously) reduces the risk of aborted cycles for sampling oocyte. Although some studies retrieved improved intermediate parameters such as increasing the number of mature oocytes and embryos to demonstrate the transfer available, did not show a significant effect on the live birth rate per stimulated cycle.