Receptor tyrosine kinase have important signaling functions in diverse physiological and pathological way. The recognition of their involvement in tumor angiogenesis, which is the most important event in the progression of the tumor, a new era in the discovery of open anticancer drugs. Developers quickly taken, the so-called multiple receptor tyrosine kinases in both the targeting inhibitor of tyrosine multi-target kinase, a drug could significantly affect the progression of cancer and reduce resistance. Several antiangiogenic are inhibitors of tyrosine kinase multi-target such as sorafenib and sunitinib, already on the market, while many others are in clinical trials for a number of cancers undergo. Boehringer Ingelheim Corp. developed
intedanib (IPCF-1120), an inhibitor of the VEGFR kinase triple blocked, PDGFR and FGFR for the treatment of various malignant tumors and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Preliminary data for intedanib seems at least as good as other inhibitors of tyrosine kinase antiangiogenic or other anti-angiogenic tyrosine kinases approaches that are not targeted. The lasting inhibition of VEGFR phosphorylation (> 24 h), which has rapidly in vivo clearance and clinical efficacy against a broad spectrum of malignant tumors appear to be major intedanib advantages. In addition, the available data indicate an excellent safety profile. At the time of publication intedanib had reached Phase III trials for the treatment of NSCLC and ovarian cancer.