
How to buy Azalea extract

Product name:Azalea extract
Latin Name
: Rhododendron Simsii Planch
Form: Powder
Product description:
1. It is a kind of natural herbal spice, with the function of keeping awake, relieving pressure, and
resisting bacterial;
2. It is useful in treating many women's problems, including menstrual and menopausal problems,
breast congestion, cellulite and fluid retention;
3.It can also be used to treat shingles, herpes, eczema, and it is good for regulating skin conditions.

Arnica Extract price

Product name:Arnica Extract
Latin Name
: Arnica montana
Form: Powder
Product description:Arnica extract, also known as bird head, rich in carotenoids, healthful tissue growth,stimulate blood circulation and enhances blood pressure, in particular the role of  coronary blood pressure.The plant is used to treat arthritis, outside a burning sensation when injured, ulceration, eczema and acne.Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, which can reduce pain and swelling to speed up the wound healing.

Indigowoad Root Extract price

Product name:Indigowoad Root Extract
Latin Name
: Isatis indigotica Fort 
Form: Powder
Product description:
1. Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral;
2. Dispelling heat, benefiting gallbladder and enhancing the function of body defense;
3. Protecting cardiovascular system;
4. To clear heat and release toxins;
5. To cool blood and reduce swelling.

Sophora Japonica P.E. price

Product name:Sophora Japonica P.E.
Form: Powder
Product description:Quercetin is a potent antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory activity, protecting cellular structures and blood vessels from the damaging effects of free radicals. It improves blood vessel strength. Quercetin inhibits the activity of catechol-O-methyltransferase that breaks down the neurotransmitter norepinephrine. This effect may lead to elevated levels of norepinephrine and an increase in energy expenditure and fat oxidation. It also means quercetin acts as an antihistamine leading to relief of allergies and asthma.

Aconite Root extract

Product name:Aconite Root extract
Latin Name
: Aconitum carmichaeli Debx.
Form: Powder
Product description:
1. Aconitine is a toxin produced by the Aconitum plant, also known as devil’s helmet or monkshood. Monkshood is very notorious for it toxic properties. In China, aconitine is also used as a herbal medicine against pain.
2. Aconitine was previously used as an antipyretic and analgesic and still has some limited application in herbal medicine although the narrow therapeutic index makes calculating appropriate dosage difficult.

Chinese Lobelia Herb Extract

Product name:Chinese Lobelia Herb Extract
Latin Name
: Herba Lobeliae Chinensis 
Form: Powder
Product description:Chinese Lobelia Herb Extract is used as an herbal medicine in China for long time. It has obvious role of clearing heat and removing toxicity, it has obvious role on cure puffiness of face and foot, it also have effect on dieresis detumescence.

Green Tangerine Peel Extract

Product name:Green Tangerine Peel Extract
Latin Name:
 Citrus reticulata
Form: Powder
Product description:
1.Green Tangerine Peel Extract has the function of promoting digestive secretion;
2.Green Tangerine Peel Extract is used for enhancing the movement of the intestines;
3.Anti-tumor, tangerine peel extract can suppress the proliferation of cancerous cell.