
L-Carbocysteine price

Product Name: L-carbocysteine

CAS: 25390-17-4

Molecular formula: C5H9NO4S

Formula Weight: 179.19426g / mol

Description: L-carbocysteine ​​mucoactive is a drug and is used for acute and chronic respiratory infectious diseases. Although carbocysteine ​​can repair the damage of epithelial cells by exposure to various effects caused, is the action of this drug on respiratory allergic diseases such as asthma and eosinophilic bronchitis with isolated chronic cough, in which two epithelial lesions may be characteristic, it is not known. We studied the effects of carbocysteine ​​on cough induced hypersensitivity to inhaled antigen to capsaicin after 48 pm and bronchial hyperresponsiveness to inhaled methacholine after 72 hours with an antigen aerosol in sensitized guinea pigs actively. After we measure bronchial neutral endopeptidase activity (NEP) in the tracheal tissue examined.

