
What is Etnynodiol Diacetate

This Ethindodiol diacetate (ED) monograph includes chemical and physical data (synonyms and trade names), structural and molecular formulas and ED molecular weight, chemical and physical properties (melting point, optical rotation and solubility) and Production, appearance and analysis of EDs. The preparation of ED is carried out by reduction of Ethindron to Ethinodiol, which is then acetylated with acetic anhydride in pyridine to produce erectile dysfunction. ED We do not know, in nature. Its applications in human medicine are similar to those of progesterone; It is mainly associated with an oral contraceptive estrogen in use and is also used to treat dysfunctional uterine bleeding, amenorrhea, and endometriosis; The French have used ED to treat advanced breast cancer. Methods of analysis for the determination of ED as a bulk chemical in tabular form. Biological data relevant to the assessment of carcinogenic risk to humans are also briefly described. In laboratory experiments, ED was tested in mice, rats and monkeys, alone or in combination with an estrogen. ED produced mammary tumors in male castrated mice and male rats. In combination with an estrogen, it increases the incidence of pituitary tumors in mice and in malignant mammary tumors in rats of both sexes. It is reported that ED for embryos before and after Embryosis is embryolal and has in some species teratogenic effects. No human data are available, except for COC studies, their side effects are due to ED by implication. There is therefore limited evidence on the carcinogenicity of ED in animals, and ED may be associated with an increased incidence of benign Leberadenon and containing a reduced incidence of benign breast disease that is associated with contraceptives Oral, combined formulations.

