
Create emotional resonance to promote world peace!

do you know? Emotional resonance can also be learned. A new study conducted by researchers at the University of Zurich found pleasure experience with others can trigger learning effects between the brain and increase the emotional resonance.

There is a conflict between people from different countries and cultural backgrounds are often due to "outsiders" lack emotional resonance and mercy, thus increasing the emotional resonance that can help people live together in peace. Psychologists and neurobiologists emotional resonance for the University of Zurich studied whether and how positive energy affect the human brain and the formation of emotional resonance response process were determined.

Strangers suffer pain inhibits emotional resonance related brain responses, the researchers will take this as a lack of emotional resonance model, examined whether and how to promote learning interventions outside the group of strangers to emotional resonance. In the course of this intervention, participants can accept one other group members within an economy or their own members of the group to help relieve pain stimuli. Researchers brain activation of participants were recorded.

In the beginning of the study, participants brain strangers pain response situation is weak, and the members of their own group within the reaction is stronger. But when the group helped give participants a member of pain occurs outside the brain participants will have a very significant response enhancement, and the more members of the group outside pleasure experience, this will be more emotional resonance increase significantly.

The researchers said that the formation of a pleasant experience with a stranger leads to the formation of neural learning signal, and will further enhance the group of strangers outside the brain response to pain, empathize, this pleasant experience but also further promote the formation of groups of strangers emotional resonance of other members.( Bolise Co., Ltd. http://www.chemicalspharm.com/ )

