
Epsilon-polylysine for sale

Product name:Epsilon-polylysine
Molecular Formula:C18H36N6O3X2
Formula Weight:384.521
E-Polylysine is a natural substance from microbial metabolism.
It is widely used as food preservative. It can inhibit the growth of Gram(+) and Gram(-) bacteria such as E. Coli and Bacillus subtilis, yeast, lactic acid bacteria, Staphlacoccus aureus, ect...
Physical properties:
E-Polylysine is slightly bitter, hygroscopic, light yellow power.
It is soluble in water, slightly soluble in ethanol.
The molecular of E-Polylysine is a straight chain polymer of L-lysine.
Its activity is not affected by pH, and stable when heated (120C for 20 min).
E-Polylysine was generally recognized as safe as food preservative by FDA in October, 2003.
It is widely used as food preservation in rice, noodles, cakes, snacks, and ice creams, salad, canned foods and meat products.

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