might be surprised to find that living in densely populated areas, such
as shops, Canadian banks, schools or other establishments in the area
very close and probably will not walk too much time, but recently a
study published in the international journal BMJ Open
on the study, researchers from McGill University Health Center, pointed
out on a representative sample of Canadians a lot of analysis has a
certain degree of particularity, it can be objectively measured physical
activity with values based on individual walkable electronic map of the community combined.
Kaberi Dasgupta said, many cities and towns in Canada have multiple
walkable communities, but did not actually help us to reduce the risk of
an individual suffering from chronic disease and other complications,
such as type 2 diabetes and other diseases, It's a bit like the treadmill into our basement the same, and the treadmill is a tool to keep us healthy.
researchers noted that the study is based on a large number of Canadian
health survey data were analyzed, the survey covered 15 locations in
Canada 3000 adult individuals, these individuals were actually fill on
routine foot-related questionnaire, while The researchers put accelerometers allow these individuals to
determine their number of steps per day, and then the researchers used
the latitude and longitude information combined with electronic maps to
calculate the appropriate level of participants walkable communities.
says Dr. Hajna, the daily number of steps including the actual number
of walking steps and leisure, and it is the indicator of an individual's
total physical activity, contrary to our prediction, this study shows
that despite living in walkable communities individuals
would be more practical to walk every day, but not suitable for walking
compared to individual communities, these individuals did not meet a
more aggressive sport, and its number of steps per day is still in the
recommended 100 million a day The
following steps, and results of this study differ from Belgium, Japan
and the Czech Republic's research, communities and individuals in the
overall number of steps walkable these countries are directly related.