
A medical equipment for children

Children's Hospital this month to become Niubi, he was the first child in the domestic hospital management integrated PET-MRI scans of patients. Integrated PET-MRI scanner, which represents positron emission tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, a combination of two common imaging procedures into one, reducing radiation exposure to a minimum and to allow determination of the structure and metabolism double.

"This technology is added to provide customers demonstrates our commitment to the best care," said Nina Schor, MD, a pediatrician at Children's Hospital dean at Golisano. "We have a beautiful new building imaging kit, and now, our first child in domestic hospitals to provide this service to our patients."

PET-MRI technology has become in recent years as a valuable tool for radiologists. PET scans allow health care providers to see if the body metabolism function, and MRI scans can provide the human body beautifully detailed three-dimensional images. Both scans are often required to provide the most accurate information, especially in oncology, cardiology and neurology fields. Combining the scanning also allows children to go through a process, rather than two.

However, although the representative of the most advanced scanner technology, we have also taken measures to ensure the machine - and the entire imaging suite - are welcome and child friendly. In the PET-MRI was labeled "SS Rochester", decorated to look like a pirate ship. Not far away, a CT (computed tomography) scanner to dress like a lighthouse. Elsewhere, in the pediatric imaging suite, colorful wall decals, soothing music, and install ipad helps to ease the child before, during and after the program.

"We want the kids to feel like they are outing, rather than on what has historically been sterile, sometimes frightening environment, said:" Hans Blickman, MD, radiologist-in-Chief at Golisano Children's Hospital .

