studies were each asked to eat raw garlic or garlic capsules, or do not
eat garlic - when they eat garlic and garlic capsules and appreciate
not eat garlic when compared to men eating garlic odor is considered
"more Attractive".
In this study, 82 women were asked to sniff the smell of the sample
and determine whether these men are affable, attractive, or macho.
The researchers found that men eating a lot of garlic will play an unexpected positive effect. When the male eating six grams of garlic, the equivalent of eating two
halves with garlic bread and cheese, which they simply eat the bread
and cheese is no difference between the ratings.
But when the dose increased to 12 grams of garlic or garlic four
petals, which smells than men when they do not eat garlic on more
In the final experiment, when men consumed in capsule form of the same
amount of garlic, their body odor is also considered more attractive.
Psychology professor Craig Roberts said: "Our findings suggest that
eating garlic get body odor may be due to its unhealthy give people
reasons to produce a feeling of pleasure."
"From an evolutionary perspective, the formation of body odor
preferences result diet may be associated with sexual selection.
Previous studies have shown that many animal species associated with the
use of diet to choose sexual partners in good physical condition."
"Healthy eating garlic features include anti-oxidation, enhance
immunity, cardiovascular protection, sterilization and cancer and other functions, which is human odor preference of rational choice."
concluded that, unlike the breath odor, garlic output of body odor is
very positive, the source of this odor should strictly distinguish
between the two.